I went to State Street after work to visit an art exhibits and found this situation at the rack closest to my destination:
The Dane County Bicycle Association is inviting applications for the 2011 grant cycle. Each year DCBA invites proposals from organizations to fund projects that promote bicycling in Wisconsin. DCBA annually awards grants that total approximately $10,000. Most individual awards are range from $500 to $2,500.
Grant applications are due by January 31, 2011 for the upcoming grant cycle. Grants awards will be announced at the February 20, 2011 DCBA Board of Directors meeting.
For nearly 30 years DCBA has provided grants to improve the quality, scope and effectiveness of bicycling education, usage ,and advocacy. DCBA grants have funded a variety of bicycling projects, including sponsoring bicycle events, supporting bicycle advocacy efforts, promoting bicycling for young people, and publishing bicycle touring routes. In recent years, the emphasis has been on funding projects that expand the bicycling community and offer resources and services to lower income individuals and households.
Grant application materials can be found on the DCBA website www.danecountybicycle.org or by contacting Bill Putnam at (608) 770-8242 or bill.putnam@sbcglobal.net Groups from throughout Wisconsin are eligible to apply.